Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tell Your Story.

How do I tell others about Christ? This can be an awkward conversation to get into, so many avoid it. And randomly yelling at people who walk by to tell them they are going to burn isn’t quite what Jesus had in mind. I talk about this subject a lot cuz its important to you. IN Acts 22 Paul is arrested, and as his being hauled away he talks the commander into letting him address the crowd that had gathered. And the guard lets him. That was a miracle in itself. When you purpose in your heart to tell the gospel to others, God will make a way, and Paul takes the opportunity to preach, but what does he tell them? Does he just tell the story of Christ? No, he tell’s his story with Christ. He tells them his personal story of how Christ changed him on the road to damascus. Jesus has changed you, what is your story? People want personal testimony. They want to know how it worked for you! Paul told his story well. He was obviously ready to tell it, so that it would be full of impact. Your story is a great one, and its yours. You tell stories all the time about stuff that has happened to you! So be ready to tell others how you came to know Christ, how it felt, and what changed. Remember that the Spirit of God will not only help you with what to say, but will begin to work on the heart of the person you are talking to. You don’t have to get all mushy or weird with it. God is real. So be real. Tell your story.

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