Thursday, March 17, 2011

Invest in your mind!

How important is your education? Should you continue on in college, or go back to college? God has given you a mind, but its up to you to use it, and to invest in it. In the parable of talents Jesus tells of 3 people each given different amounts of money. The two who invested the money were rewarded, but the one who did nothing with it, the one who buried it, got in trouble. God has given us a mind, and we need to invest in it, and take care of it. Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses, having been the only Israelite not raised as a slave in Egypt, but raised by the Pharoah’s daughter in the palace, was probably highly educated. The apostle Paul was highly educated, having spent his life studying under the great Hebrew Philospher Gamaliel. (acts 22). If he had not known how to read and write both the languages Greek and Hebrew, he would not have been able to write so much of the new testament. But his learning put him in position to proclaim Jesus Christ’s righteousness to a people yet unborn. So whatever you decide, college, medical school, or bible school, your brain is a valuable tool. Don’t ignore a tool God has given you.

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