Monday, April 11, 2011

So What Are You Waiting For?

So what are you waiting for? A lot of people are planning on getting there life together and really making a decision for Christ and a new lifestyle, but not just yet. Why is that? Somewhere along the line the world has gotten the idea that a Christian life is boring and stuffy. Not mine. In a world of reaping and sowing, a Christian life is way more fun and fulfilling. Cuz sowing goodness reaps goodness. A cheap thrill in the world is just too short to last, and not nearly as thrilling as you thought it might be. The worlds joy lasts for a moment, and must always be topped. Like when you finally get that car you’ve always wanted, and you thought that would make you happy. It did, but only for a little while. Then you’ve gotta have something else. Don’t get me wrong, God wants to bless you, he wants you to have nice things. But Don’t try and draw your happiness from things. Draw your happiness from serving God. God’s joy is complete. Don’t wait to give yourself to God. There’s no better time than right now to say to God, “Okay Lord, here is the rest of my life, use me how ever you see fit.” Then get ready.

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