Monday, May 9, 2011

Follow God To Your Destiny

It’s not about you. How many churches split and how many families leave the church because the pastor offended them or the music was too loud? Jesus says in Luke chapter 9 that we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. But what does that mean? First, we deny ourselves. I’ll refer to music again for obvious reasons, but it really doesn’t matter if you like the style of music your church does for praise and worship. Stop and realize that maybe its for someone else. Someone else will be deeply ministered to by music you don’t like. You can accomplish so much more for God when you stop being concerned about how everything affects you. Next, we take up our cross. So what is our cross? The cross was Jesus’ destiny. It was the fulfillment of His earthly commission. Our cross is whatever plan, purpose and ministry God has given us. So, get over yourself and follow God to your destiny.

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