Monday, October 3, 2011

Twinkie or Broccoli

Twinkie or Broccoli? Tell the truth and get in trouble, or tell a lie, and maybe get away with it. Do what mom or dad says, or um don't. Homework or TV. Make fun of the goofy kid, or defend the goofy kid. decisions decisions. In Genesis 2:8, It says that in the middle of the Garden of Eden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, well no eating that one. But near that tree, the tree of Life, ah yes, a good tree.  See, even from the very beginning God gave a decision to make. We can listen to the serpent, calling from the wrong tree, "hey, over here, this is the good fruit, it'll be fine, Mom or Dad'll never know." Yeah, well maybe, but it's your life, maybe you should choose the right tree. I mean Adam and Eve picked the wrong tree, but you don't have to. And every day it's the same thing, choosing the Tree of Life, or that other tree. Tree of life, or the other tree. Hey, I dunno about you, but if I see a snake in a tree, and that snake starts talking, well, that's pretty creepy. Choose the right tree.

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