Thursday, April 28, 2011

How do I tell others about Christ?

How do I tell others about Christ? This can be an awkward conversation to get into, so many avoid it. And randomly yelling at people who walk by to tell them they are going to burn isn’t always effective. In Acts 22 Paul is arrested, and as he’s being hauled away he talks the commander into letting him address the crowd that had gathered. And the guard lets him. When you purpose in your heart to tell the gospel to others, God will make a way, and Paul takes the opportunity to preach, but what does he tell them? Does he just tell the story of Christ? No, he tell’s his story with Christ. He tells them his personal story of how Christ changed him on the road to Damascus. Jesus has changed you, what is your story? People want personal testimony. They want to know how it worked for you! Paul told his story well. He was obviously ready to tell it, so that it would be full of impact. Your story is a great one, and its yours. You tell stories all the time about stuff that has happened to you! So be ready to tell others how you came to know Christ, how it felt, and what changed. God is real, Jesus changed you, and you are real. Now go get em.

Monday, April 25, 2011


90% of America claims to be Christians, but only about 14% go to church weekly. Hmmm. Not that church is the beat all end all to being a Christian, but why do so many not go. Well many say, “I got burned at church.” And then they have some great sob story that is horrifying to everyone. Okay, here’s a different way to look at it. If you have values that the church needs, then bring them to the church. Help change what it is that hurt you. Help the church become more relevant and authentic. Out of the side of Christ the church was born, Jesus is the head of the church, and the church itself is the body of Christ. Well then it must be important. You see Christ needs to get some stuff done, and as long as you have church at home in front of the TV, you become the knee cap that won’t bend on the body of Christ. Church isn’t for you and what you can get, its for others and what you can give, it doesn’t reach inward, it reaches outward. I got burned cooking waffles the other day. I’ll still cook waffles. I’ll just wear mits. So get your mits on, go to church and cook some waffles..or uh

Thursday, April 21, 2011

He Can Defeat Your Giant

When David was going to take on the giant Goliath they had him try on King Sauls armor and Sword. But it wasn’t right. Nothing fit. David couldn’t use someone elses armor and sword for his battle. He needed to find the weapon that would suit him, for his situation. He used a sling and some rocks, and Goliath took one in the head. You have giants to fight in your life. And quite often, someone who means well will attempt to tell you how they would handle it, and they will proceed to try and give you their armor and sword. But it probably won’t fit quite right. You need to do like David. Go to the word, and let God arm you with the armor of the Lord, and the sword of the spirit. God has the perfect solution. Then when you trust God and come out victorious, you begin to trust God more, instead of trusting in the advice of man. There is wisdom in council, and David did etleast try on Saul’s armor, but if you find it doesn’t fit, don’t give up. Go to the bible. David found out in the Word that a man who blasphemes God must be stoned to death. Hence, death by rock. And Jesus is our Rock. He can defeat your giant.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's A Man's World???

Have you heard the saying, it’s a man’s world. Well I’d like it a whole lot better if we all saw it as God’s. Sometimes women don’t feel like the world values them and the wisdom God has given them. Society for many years has presented women as being less then men. But theres good news ladies, God don’t feel that way. In Judges 4 God had a woman running things… the bible says that “Deborah, a prophetess, was leading Israel” And the word of the Lord came to her that all of Israel was to be delivered from the Cannanites. God spoke through her to the commander of the Israel army. And she instructed him exactly how Israel was to defeat the Cannanites. She was telling him what to do according to God’s will. Ladies - God will speak through you. Paul writes that in Christ there is neither male nor female, meaning that all are equal in Christ. Now if we could just get the rest of the world to think that way. Ladies, God has a word for you, he has a plan for your life, and he needs you to help Him. In the words of God himself, “Wisdom is on her tongue”. The world should thank God daily for you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

God Wants to Fill Your Jars

In II Kings a woman’s husband dies, and leaves her in a lot of debt. Unlike today where a person might lose there house or car, she is about to lose her two sons as slaves in order to pay off debt. Wow, you thought your creditors were rough. She asks the prophet Elijah for help. So he says what do you have? God is looking for you to use whatever you have to the best of your ability. Well she had a little oil. Then he said go and get as many jars as you can, ask all your neighbors. She did this. Then he said, pour the oil into each jar that you have. And by a miracle of God the oil kept flowing until every jar was filled. She sold the oil, and paid the debt. You may find in your life you sometimes run out. Run out of whatever? Ask God to help. God wants to fill your jars with whatever you need. But how many jars can you believe God to fill? It seems to me that in this story God would have filled as many jars as she could’ve gotten her hands on. She should’ve gotten a gjillion jars. God wants to fill you up to overflowing. What do you need? Peace? Joy? Health? Wealth? Well go get some jars.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here I Am Lord

Jonah ran from God’s purpose for his life, and ran into a lot of trouble. He got himself and those he was traveling with in a tight spot. A storm blew up on the boat he was on, and it nearly drowned all who were around him. He was tossed overboard and got swallowed by a big fish. Wow, you thought your day was tough. If life is crashing down all around you, and you find yourself pulling others down with you, or you feel like you’ve been swallowed up by this world, it may be that you have strayed away from God’s path for you or you may be running from what God is calling you to do. God loves you, and wants what is best for you. He wants to clothe you better than King Solomon, and bless you like he did Abraham. Our God is a good and just God. But when we leave God’s will, like Jonah, life can really blow up like a storm all around us. In it all Jonah was saved by God when he cried out. God does the saving, but sometimes we do the straying. So ask God today about His will for your life. Say “what would you have me do, here I am Lord, send someone else”… No send me

Monday, April 11, 2011

So What Are You Waiting For?

So what are you waiting for? A lot of people are planning on getting there life together and really making a decision for Christ and a new lifestyle, but not just yet. Why is that? Somewhere along the line the world has gotten the idea that a Christian life is boring and stuffy. Not mine. In a world of reaping and sowing, a Christian life is way more fun and fulfilling. Cuz sowing goodness reaps goodness. A cheap thrill in the world is just too short to last, and not nearly as thrilling as you thought it might be. The worlds joy lasts for a moment, and must always be topped. Like when you finally get that car you’ve always wanted, and you thought that would make you happy. It did, but only for a little while. Then you’ve gotta have something else. Don’t get me wrong, God wants to bless you, he wants you to have nice things. But Don’t try and draw your happiness from things. Draw your happiness from serving God. God’s joy is complete. Don’t wait to give yourself to God. There’s no better time than right now to say to God, “Okay Lord, here is the rest of my life, use me how ever you see fit.” Then get ready.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ask, Believe, Receive

In Matt 10 two blind men kept following Jesus around asking for mercy. They wanted to see. So Jesus asks them… “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes Lord,” they replied. Then Jesus touched there eyes and healed them. There are areas in your life both spiritual and physical that might be in need of a little healing. Wether it be a disease, a common cold, an addiction, or even a mean hangnail. We can learn a lot from the story of the two blind men. First, they had to ask for healing. So ask. Next, realize that Jesus is asking you a question. “ Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Well do you? Jesus died for our sins and our sicknesses. Remember that Jesus could do very few healings in his own home town because the people there did not believe. So ask Jesus for your healing, and believe that his able to heal you, believe that you have received and you will have it. There are tons of miracles in the bible, and this same God is our great God, He sent His word and it has healed us. And remember this, as crowds of people came to Jesus for healing, Jesus never once said NO.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Two Blind Men

In Matt 10 two blind men kept following Jesus around asking for mercy. They wanted to see. So Jesus asks them… “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes Lord,” they replied. Then Jesus touched there eyes and healed them. There are areas in your life both spiritual and physical that might be in need of a little healing. Wether it be a disease, a common cold, an addiction, or even a mean hangnail. We can learn a lot from the story of the two blind men. First, they had to ask for healing. So ask. Next, realize that Jesus is asking you a question. “ Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Well do you? Jesus died for our sins and our sicknesses. Remember that Jesus could do very few healings in his own home town because the people there did not believe. So ask Jesus for your healing, and believe that his able to heal you, believe that you have received and you will have it. There are tons of miracles in the bible, and this same God is our great God, He sent His word and it has healed us. And remember this, as crowds of people came to Jesus for healing, Jesus never once said NO.
