Friday, January 27, 2012

No More Grumpy

Well, here is a story about attitude.  In the book of Nehemiah, the Israelites have left God, worshipped other idols and have been conquered, they are serving the Persian empire and Nehemiah, himself a captive is cup bearer to the King of Persia.  This is worse than having to take out the trash, or do dishes, or homework.  He and all his family and friends are oppressed by another nation.  Nehemiah then finds out that the walls of Jerusalem are in ruin.  So the next time he approaches the king the scripture says in chapter 2 that Nehemiah had not been sad in the kings presence ever before.  This means that Nehemiah was always happy.  His default attitude was a good mood.  Are you ever grumpy?  Moody?  Not Nehemiah.  When he found out the wall was down it really upset him, and this was not normal.  Well, so what, you might say.  As the story goes, because he had never been down in front of the King before, the king takes notice.  The king asks Nehemiah what is wrong.  When Nehemiah tells him, the King releases Nehemiah from his service, put’s him in charge of the region of Jerusalem, and gives him the money and authority to rebuild the wall.  Ahhh, now do you see the power of having a good attitude.  Nehemiah was so used to having a good attitude, that when the news about the wall reached him, his only possible response was to become part of the solution, and not just another complainer.  There are people who complain about things, and people who fix things.  It’s the good attitude people that are out fixing things.  So change your attitude, moody should be the exception, not the norm.  Do I have to do another radio spot??  Ugh, oh wait, attitude.

1 comment:

  1. this has to be my favorite! idk why, it just rocks! thank you jason anderson! ♥


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