Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cheery Heart

Proverbs 17:22 says that 'a cheerful heart is good medicine." When do you need medicine? Well, when you aren't feeling good. Headache? Feeling sick. Stuffy nose? I can't stand a stuffy nose. Or how about when your heart is feeling sick, down, or broken. Medicine is a fix for an ailment. Here the scripture doesn't describe what sickness a cheerful heart is good medicine for, So God is saying that it is good medicine for whatever is going on. I guess the difficult part is how to have a cheerful heart when you’re not feeling good. I mean the over all idea of not feeling good is very anti cheerful. God is showing us that a cheerful heart is something you choose,  not because you feel like it, but because you know it's the right thing to do. In fact, ever notice how medicine usually tastes nasty? So it might be the same. What I mean is, when you are down the last thing you want is to take some cheery heart as medicine. So how you feeling? Do you need some medicine, well, put the pepto away, plug your nose, and drink a hot cup of cheery heart. Goes down rough, but you'll be feeling happy in no time.  Now take your medicine!

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