Monday, August 19, 2013

Psalms 18:20 - The Lord Dealt with Me

Do you ever do something great, and then a reward is on its way… a trophy, a smile or a bonus? Did you know that God wants to reward you? It's true, and He loves to bless His children. Psalms 18:20 says, "The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me." We as Christians are often so quick to look to the bad stuff in our life and then wonder whether GOD is doing the bad stuff because WE did some bad stuff. So remember this… God is a rewarder! This scripture is about reward - a reward for doing something right. Get it through your head. God. Desires. To. Reward. You. Now, if God desires to reward me, how do I get in a position for reward? Well, I must be righteous. But WHO is righteous? How will any of us be good enough? Well, we’re allowed to operate in Christ's righteousness, if we choose. If you can believe it, you can operate in this world as a joint heir with Christ Jesus. You see, Jesus’ single act on the cross cleansed us from all unrighteousness. And if my reward from the Father is based on righteousness, then all I need is Jesus, because all of us struggle with sin. JESUS is my righteousness! If I believe it, then here comes my reward. I can rest in the works of HIS hands and receive the rewards of the Lord freely. So say it with me, “The Lord is rewarding me according to my righteousness, and I am righteous in Christ Jesus.”
Pastor Jason Anderson - The Living Word Bible Church

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