Friday, October 21, 2011

Be Teachable

Proverbs 16:18 tells us that "Pride goes before destruction." Okay, so if you want or need more destruction in your life, what you really want is some pride. What is pride? Sometimes people mistake pride for confidence or courage. But this cannot be right, since God commanded us to have courage, and certainly Jesus was very confident, as He taught with authority. Norman Vincent once said that "humble people don't think less of themselves... they just think of themselves less." Proverbs 11:2 says, "With humility comes wisdom." Humility allows you to learn. This means that pride will not allow you to learn. You see pride is when you are no longer teachable, this happens when you think you already know everything. It’s when we respond by saying, “I already know this.”  If you already know everything, then wise council will mean nothing. Even the Word won't be able to get inside and change you; as you live knowing everything, your pride will go right into destruction. Be teachable, listen to others, and pay attention to wisdom from grandparents, parents, peers, pastors and elders. Jesus informs us that even the children can teach us something. I’ve read all the books, and you can trust me, I know everything. Oh wait, uh no I don’t.

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