Thursday, October 20, 2011

More Bad News?

Watch the news for more than five minutes, and you’re thinking, “Man, this place is getting pretty messed up.” But you know, “things getting messed up” isn't new. It was tough when you grew up, and now we worry about the next generation. But the next generation isn't the first to have it hard, and it won't be the last. Judges 10:6 says, "The Israelites again did evil in the LORD's sight." Again? Yeah, again. Like they did some evil before, then they hit the bottom, because you know everything gets worse when we leave God. So later, the people would return to God, and then things would get better. When the people would return to God, the blessings would return. So we can see that God is a god who makes things better. Do we want things to get better? Well yeah, okay, so the key is to get more of God into our land, and more of the people’s hearts into God. That may seem like a lot, but it isn’t. You can make a difference. We don’t want to be an “again they did evil” kind of people. We want to be the generation that is known as the one that turned to the Lord. Share the love of Christ with someone today.

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