Monday, October 10, 2011

Just One Wife?

In 1 Timothy 3:2, we’re told that “Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife." Whoa! Hold on there, what did he just say? Oh yeah, just one wife. Well that's good advice for a lot of reasons. You know, sometimes people get the idea that the Bible is okay with having a bunch of wives. Now I doubt anyone listening to this is thinking about getting a second or third wife. I bring it up because I don't like it when people get the wrong idea about what the Bible teaches. People might say, well the Bible says, "Solomon had 700 wives." Sure, but was that God's plan for him? Nope. And those wives got him in a heap of trouble; he began to worship other gods because of his many wives. The Bible does not condone having more than one wife. God's design was one man and one woman. Adam and Eve. It wasn't Adam, Eve and Janet. God said the two would become one flesh. Never in the Scripture does God encourage a man to have more than one wife, never, not even once. Just take it from these successful godly men, like Noah, Abraham and Moses, who all had one wife. And yes, I only have one wife, and she’s plenty.

1 comment:

  1. Solomon was a happy man? I have a challenge working with one person, I think people in the bible were stronger back then.


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