Friday, October 7, 2011

Building The Church

I Corinthians 14:12 says, "Try to excel in gifts that build up the church." The first thing to consider here is the effort. We should be trying. Trying to what? Well trying to excel, which means striving for excellence. Maybe you aren't excellent yet, but according to this, you should be trying. Ok, so try to be excellent… at what? Well “gifts that build up the church.” Okay, so the goal is to build up the church. There are three types of people I see. First, some are trying to excel in gifts to build up the church. Second, some are just attending church. Third, others are actually trying to tear down the church. We are certainly trained by the world to either not go to church or even to attack the church, and there is something wrong with church today. But God has a different message for us. God says, “Hey, give me an effort to do something really great that builds the church.” It may mean changing how we think about it, but isn't that just like the Bible, always growing us up. So then church is not about what I'm getting, but it's about what I'm giving. And if we all got busy building the church in excellence, well, just think about what could happen.

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