Monday, March 5, 2012

My Money

So I planted a flower seed with my son for a class project.  It grew a flower.  No surprise.  It didn't grow a tree, or corn, or a pineapple, or a new car, um.. it grew a flower.  It didn't grow a field of flowers.  Just one flower.  That one flower has the ability to create a bunch more flowers, even a whole field over it's life time, if those seeds were planted. Sounds right.  So God has created this principle, and it works with nearly anything.  Even money.  II Corinthians 9:6 says Whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  So here Paul was receiving an offering, and he's all, hey giving will end up with you having even more to give.  He is saying that money can be a seed.  And a bit more money can put you in position to give more.  It makes sense, God is trying to expand His kingdom on earth, so blessing those who are giving with more to give would cause even more to come into His house.  So the next time you are giving to the Lord, remember its a seed, plant it with a happy smile, knowing that your gift to the Lord positions you even better to give again and again.  It's like growing flowers for God.

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