Friday, August 3, 2012

A New Lineage

In Genesis 4 a guy named Lamech is born. As it turns out he is the 5th
generation of Cain. So his great great great great grandfather was Cain,
remember Cain? He was the guy who killed his brother. We like to hear good
things about our grandpas, not bad stories and Lamech, five generations later,
is still talking about Cain, and still letting what Cain had done define who he was.
Now Lamech was free from what Cain had done, but he was still letting
this past create his future. We as well have been given a new beginning. We
are in the family of God, and God himself is our father. But still we can let the
failures and defeats of our fathers determine who we are. We might say "My
grandpa had this or that, my dad had it, I probably will too." Or we decide that we
will just spend our life doing and living what they did or how they lived. But
maybe God has something different for you. Whether you had perfect parents or
none at all, God wants you to define your future with who He is, and who He has
created you to be. Don't be like Lamech, dragging the past into your future. Let
God create your future.

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