Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What'd I Just Say

Mark 11:23 Have you ever said, "I'm gettin the flu?" Well yeah, you may have.
But if you think about how you said that, It's like saying, "I don't have the flu
yet, but I'm going to go get it." “I’m gonna run up to the store, get some milk,
peanut butter, and the flu.” But that doesn't seem right. You shouldn't go get
 the flu, cuz you don't want the flu. You should get rid of the flu. Maybe sell
 it. But who’s going to buy the flu? Mark 11:23 says that if a person "believes
that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever
he saith." Think about it, I will have what I say if I believe it. So I say I'm gettin
the flu, and I do believe it's true, then I can have it. What other kinds of things
are we saying? How about "I'm probably going to lose my job," or "My life is
falling a part." Jesus was teaching his disciples that what we say and believe is
important. In fact our salvation is received by confessing Jesus is Lord and
believing that God raised him from the dead. Today, listen to what you are
saying. Stop describing your problem and start speaking God's solution.

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