Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Most High Does Not Dwell In Houses Made By Men

Acts 7:48 says “However the most high does not live in houses made by men..  Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool, what kind of house will you build for me?”  In the first covenant Moses built a tabernacle and then Solomon a temple for God to live in, but this was not a permanent dwelling.  God needed something that wasn’t man made.  Well if it isn’t man made then it must be something God made.  And so he explains in I Corinthians 3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?”  How can God live in man, we are a mess right?  But two important things have taken place that makes you the dwelling of the Lord.  First, you were created by God.   Second, Jesus died and when you choose to believe and receive Christ, your body is washed clean by the blood of Jesus, so God can live in your mess, because your mess is now clean.  Well this is the new covenant, Jesus said In John 15, remain in me and I will remain in you.  Christ is in us, and we are in him, so the relationship is what’s His is ours and what’s ours is his.  We need him, and God wants us.  Why?  Well God put talents and abilities in you to help you change this world and as you step in to becoming a doer in your life He will give you the supernatural God power to help you win.  He’s in you, he’s your partner, but you are partner too, so you gotta get out their and start tearing it up for God.  Yes? 

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