Thursday, February 10, 2011

You can make a difference right where you ARE.

You can make a difference right where you ARE. Watch this…
While the Israelites were under the rule of the Persian empire, a guy named Nehemiah sets out on a mission to rebuild the walls of Jeruselem which had been. Nehemiah starts by asking the Persian king. Turns out Nehemiah was the guy in charge of bringing wine to the king, so they had gotten to know each other pretty good. In fact, if he hadn’t known the king, he probably wouldn’t have gotten to go. But because the King liked Nehemiah, he let him go do it, and even paid for the whole thing. Nehemiah was in a position of influence, he was in a position to make a difference. All to often we try and make a difference in the world before we are in the right position to make a difference, and so we end up just spinning our wheels, and falling on our face.. So what do you want to change in your city, or your school? It isn’t going to help just making signs and yelling at people. Who’s the decision maker, who’s the leader in your area. Become influencial with those people, get involved in the area you wish to change, and change your world from the inside out. That’s how Jesus changes us, so it must be a good way to do it.

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