Tuesday, October 18, 2011

God's Laughing

So what's God like? I mean does he laugh? Psalms 59 says that He does. I read this in the Bible the other day and, well, for me, it was a neat way to see another side of God that I hadn't seen. In Isaiah 47:12, God says, "Keep on then with your magic spells and with your many sorceries… perhaps you will succeed." So here's the thing. Is God really telling them to do spells and sorcery and does He really think it might succeed? Well, of course not! It’s like when you say, “Oh ya, I really can't wait to mow the lawn.” Now, obviously God is dealing with something serious here, but then I can relate to how He's saying it. He's all, "Ya go ahead and keep doing the wrong thing, let's see how that works out for you." The more I study the word, the more I see that God is a father that I can relate to, who sent a son to live in my shoes. He expresses emotions in His word, He wants to draw me in, to spend time with me, to speak with me, help me, hold me, encourage me, give to me, maybe even tease me, when I need a bit of ribbing. I sure love Him.

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