Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love Covers

In my house I often see my family members in ways no one else sees them.  Like when they first wake up, and make there way into the kitchen.  Girls have no makeup, hair is everywhere, boys may smell a bit, you know, it's not something I'm shooting pictures of and posting on Facebook.  The same is true of our humanity, the more we know someone, the more they may reveal to us there personal weaknesses, their humanity.  We may see things that not everyone gets to see.  They may share with us something they wouldn't just tell everyone.  This is a privilege.  It doesn't mean they are hiding who they really are, it just means you are seeing a side that isn't on display, like me in my bathrobe.. which is not on my web-sight.  Part of Love means not revealing weaknesses we see in others, and remembering that we have weaknesses too.  Proverbs 17:9 teaches "He who covers over a sin promotes love, but he that repeats the matter separates friends."  Others may make a mistake every now and then, and those who are close may see it, but we show our love by not buying a billboard along the freeway to advertise it, or texting it around.  Which reminds me, did you hear about Ted?  Oh wait, never mind…

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